Every year I’m lucky enough to shoot the Perth leg of the Big Day Out. And every year as I’m dripping in sweat, fighting gangs of sweaty youths (who all want their photo taken – to which I reply I have the wrong lens on…even if I have the right lens on!), and generally burning to a crisp in the shade-less pit known as Claremont showground, I ask myself if I am getting too old to shoot this gig.
But once we get going and we’re in the pit and the bands are ‘going off’ and the lights are flashing I realise why I do it. I love the challenge of getting a well composed shot in such diverse conditions. From glaring sun during the day to next to no light for the headliners, it’s a constant battle to grab a sharp shot with whatever light the strobes are shooting out at any given minute…add in the smoke machine and the challenge is on!
Will I go back next year? Hell yeah.